[轉載] 22個優質的 React 開源項目 Back

本文是对React.JS库里开源应用进行了整合,我们从Github上800个开源的项目甄选出排名前22的优秀的开源项目。(React Native: 11个, React: 11个)




       注意React UI组件,模板,工具和框架是分离开来的,这样使得React构建的应用更易于管理。

<React Native>

React native iOS and Android apps that give attendees a schedule for the F8 conference.

Courtesy of Alex Kotlyarskiy [5780 Stars]

Hacker News iOS and Android App: Made with React Native

Courtesy of Simar Singh [2004 Stars]

Dribbble app built with React Native

Courtesy of Catalin MIRON [1073 Stars]

注:Dribbble 是一个面向创作家、艺术工作者、设计师等创意类作品的人群,提供作品在线服务,供网友在线查看已经完成的作品或者正在创作的作品的交流网站。

Ready-to-use chat interface for iOS and Android React-Native apps.

Courtesy of Farid from Safi [919 Stars]

iOS's Stocks App clone: Written in React Native available both iOS and Android.

Courtesy of kf [609 Stars]

A Zhihu Daily App client implemented using React Native (Android and iOS).

Courtesy of Race604 [2624 Stars]

A Camera app for React Native (also supports barcode scanning).

Courtesy of @CharlieHawker [1140 Stars]

Github client written with react-native.

Courtesy of David Tse [1106 Stars]

iOS and Android NBA App built with React Native.

Courtesy of WangZixiao [586 Stars]

React Native Reddit Reader.

Courtesy of Andrei Hrabouski [220 Stars]

FB Basketball game clone built in React.JS Native.

Courtesy of Farid from Safi [111 Stars]


A Soundcloud client built with React / Redux.

Courtesy of Andrew Nguyen [1335 Stars]

Calculator built with React (Website), Electorn (Desktop), and React Native (iOS & Android).

Courtesy of Benoit VALLON [2796 Stars]

React-color: Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome & more.

Courtesy of Case Sandberg [1966 Stars]

Gatsby: Transform plain text into dynamic blogs and websites using React.js.

Courtesy of kylemathews [2816 Stars]

Sentry is cross-platform crash reporting built with React.

Courtesy of Armin Ronacher [9229 Stars]

Isomorphic500: A web application featuring photos from 500px, built on express using React and Flux with yahoo/fluxible.

Courtesy of gp [953 Stars]

A React & react-router-powered implementation of Hacker News using its Firebase API.

Courtesy of Arthur Stolyar [505 Stars]

A playground for in-browser interpreters. Built with React/Redux.

Courtesy of Mican [509 Stars]

Perseus: Khan Academy's new exercise question editor and renderer built with React

[591 Stars]

React-based Imgur-like isomorphic demo app.

Courtesy of Brandon Tilley [39 Stars]

Flatris: Tetris app for Cosmos, built with React.

Courtesy of Ovidiu Cherecheș [71 Stars]

<Bonus: Books to learn React.JS>

For Beginners — Learning React Native: Building Native Mobile Apps with JavaScript (highest rating on Amazon as of May 2016).

Courtesy of Twitter Engineer Bonnie Eisenman

For Advanced — Pro React.

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