JSX Spread Attributes Back
If you know all the properties that you want to place on a component ahead of time, it is easy to use JSX:
var component = <Component foo={x} bar={y} />
It's bad to mutate props like this:
var component = <Component />
component.props.foo = x; /** bad */
component.props.bar = y; /** also bad */
This is an anti-pattern because it means that we can't help you check the right propTypes until way later. This means that your propTypes errors end up with a cryptic(含義隱晦的) stack trace.
The props should be considered immutable. Mutating the props object somewhere else could cause unexpected consequences so ideally it would be a frozen object at this point.
Spread Attributes
Spread Attributes has used a new operator, ...
notation, in ES6, and this is a new feature of jsx.
As firstly, we know atributes foo
, but not bar
, and we can extend it like this:
var props = {};
props.foo = x;
/** spread attributes: ...props */
var component = <Component {...props} bar={y} />
If we also extend foo
, it will be overrided.
var props = {};
props.foo = x;
/** spread attributes: ...props */
var component = <Component {...props} foo={'overriden'} />
console.log(component.props.foo); /** => overriden */