Kill Processes Back
- call
to kill processes
- if the process is the group leader of a processes group, then send SIGHUP to all processes in this group
- close all socket opened by this process
- if there are children process, then set their parent as init process
- send SIGCHLD to its parent
- Zombie(僵屍) Process will be created when SIGCHLD is not handled by its parent
- Zombies will occupy a Process Table Entry(進程表項) in the system
- ways to kill Zomebie Process
- ignore SIGCHLD using SIG_IGN, and system will clear their Process Table Entries.
- use
or waitpid()
to wait for killing child processes.
- use
to handler more than one killing child process by setting WNOHANG, prevented to be blocked, rather than wait()
twice so that child process will be controled by init process.
pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid, int* status, int option)
- pid: 進程id
- >0: 只等待進程號為pid的子進程退出
- -1: 等待任何子進程退出
- option: 選項
- status: 存儲狀態信息
return values
- 退出的子進程id
- 0: 設置WHONANG且無子進程退出
- -1: failure
- errno: error code