:lang() Back

  • :lang() is a CSS pseudo-class selector that matches an element based on the language it is determined to be in.
  • A language is determined in HTML using a combination of the lang attribute (e.g <html lang="en">), the <meta> tag, and possibly by information from the protocol (such as HTTP headers). XML uses an attribute called xml:lang, and there may be other document language-specific methods for determining the language.
.element:lang(X) {
    /** styles for the element which is in the language X */
     * Whether an element is represented by a :lang() selector is based solely on 
     * the element’s language value being equal to the identifier X,
     * or beginning with the identifier X immediately followed by "-" (U+002D).

Case: Learning :lang()

See the Pen gPXYZN by aleen42 (@aleen42) on CodePen.


  • A language is usually specified on the root html element and is therefore inherited by the information in the head and the body, but it can also be specified on any element in the page.
<p>You'd say that in Chinese as <span lang="zh-Hans">中國科學院文獻情報中心</span></p>
  • Language codes consist of a primary code and a possibly empty series of subcodes: language-code = primary-code ( "-" subcode )*. Example language codes include "en" for English, "zh-Hans" for Chinese, and "en-GB-oed" for English based on the Oxford English Dictionary spelling. In order to choose the right language code, you can check the list of available language codes out in the IANA language sub-tag registry.

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